Tiny houses available to rent

Age Concern Rotorua has recently installed three tiny homes on land at Ngongotaha to rent out to members at a discounted rate.
With the support of the Rotorua Trust and using the funds from the sale of our last premises, Age Concern Rotorua has been able to purchase some land at Ngongotaha and three Tiny Homes which will be rented to our members. This is an exciting time and with the support of Sigma Consultants plans were submitted and approved by the Rotorua Lakes Council.
The units have a continuous hot water system,stove and hobs, pantry, breakfast bar, plumbing for a washing machine, wardrobes and a heatpump.
If you would like to be considered to rent one of these properties you must be a member of Age Concern, don't own your own home and be paying rent or living with a relative or homeless.
The houses have tenants at the moment but should they no longer require them you may like to put your name on the list.